Champion Treats Low Sugar–Free Shipping Home page

FREE SHIPPING-Welcome to Champion Treats. Home of the Low Sugar Treats and Pill Dispenser.  NEW and IMPROVED– reformulated for longer shelf life, has no preservatives, refrigeration for long term storage recommended. Our treats are all ground and formed by hand, baked to a perfect texture for adding medication or just a plain treat for your equine friend. Your horse will run you down for these treats!

Champion Treats  are easy to feed, no added sugar, delectable treats for your equine. Champion Treats are low sugar and formulated for Insulin Resistant Horses, Cushings, and sugar sensitive equines! Unique Pill Dispenser assists with delivering equine medications easily and without any difficulty.

Low Sugar pill dispensers are now available in both, Large and Small Pill Dispensers. For more information on sizes see the horse care page. Champion Treats  are made from fresh, high-quality ingredients.  Our treats and Pill Dispensers are free of corn, soy, and wheat flour,  contain no added sugar and are manufactured in the USA using all ingredients grown in the United States.

All of Champion Treats are made with ground roasted peanuts, ground sunflower seeds, ground sugarless peppermints, ground flax, ground oats.  Horse treats and our Pill Dispensers are available in 3 sizes, 1 lb. , 2 lb. and now NEW!!! 4 lb. Economy Bucket.

 There is almost a zero crumb factor, and the shelf life is fantastic.